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    Международная конференция для преподавателей английского языка

    Преподавание английского языка в ВУЗе: современные тенденции и технологии

    27 октября, 2021 Onilne+F2F

    ММА в сотрудничестве с Представительством Издательства Кембриджского университета (Cambridge Univerity Press) приглашает принять участие в международной конференции «Преподавание английского языка в ВУЗе: современные тенденции и технологии». Конференция пройдет в гибридном формате (онлайн и очно)

    Описание конференции

    Конференция посвящена преподаванию английского языка в высших учебных заведениях. Программа конференции включает в себя вопросы формирования и развития компетенций 21 века, применения цифровых образовательных технологий в учебном процессе, а также рассмотрение особенностей английского научного дискурса и его сходства с контекстом обучения деловому английскому.
    1. Evgeny Usachev — Teaching 21st century skills
    Changing social life and educational environment significantly affect the determination of teacher skills. In addition to pedagogical expectations, the intense feeling of the effect of technology on the learning environment has made it important for the educators to closely follow the technology and related changes. In the 21st century, when it comes to the skills that a teacher should acquire, critical thinking, problem solving, communication, cooperation, creativity, leadership are among the first-ranked skills. In this talk you will get insights into some ways that help build up these skills.
    2. Greg Wagstaff — Using mobile phones in the ELT classroom
    Love it or hate it, the mobile phone is the most important object in the majority of our students’ lives. Yet this connection, and it’s obvious ability to motivate and engage our students, remains relatively unexploited in the EFL classroom. In this highly practical session, Greg Wagstaff demonstrates his favourite activities using everyday features on a phone, and also touches on other themes around the use of mobile phones in class.
    3. Ludmila Gorodetskaya — Why are English for Science and English for Business similar?
    Methodology of science with its demand for systematic approach and precise description has caused several features of the texts written by scientists and for scientists. The most noticeable of these features are logical coherence, objectivity, impersonal statement of facts, clarity, brevity, and authority. They can be revealed in the following genres of written communication: textbooks, papers in academic journals, reports, reviews, theses, etc. To a certain degree, the same features can be revealed in lectures and conference presentations as common forms of oral scientific discourse. The speaker will show how similar they are to English for Business. Meanwhile, popular science texts form a distinctly different type of discourse as they are usually written by journalists for general public and contain a lot of expressive means and emotive evaluation not recommended either in business or scientific writing. The speaker will provide examples borrowed from Cambridge University Press published materials that can be used in teaching English to adult learners who may pursue different professional goals.

    Спикеры конференции

    Евгений Усачев

    • Подробнее

      Evgeny Usachev is an English teacher and teacher trainer. He also heads the Teacher Training Institute at Moscow International Academy. His areas of expertise are teaching adults and using digital tools in ELT.

    Людмила Городецкая

    • Подробнее

      Ludmila Gorodetskaya is Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University and Senior Consultant at Cambridge University Press office in Moscow. She has been teaching EFL in its various forms to students of baccalaureate and master degree programmes at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, and running teacher-training workshops for school and university teachers in Moscow and other regions of the country for over 20 years.

    Greg Wagstaff

    • Подробнее

      Greg Wagstaff is a teacher trainer and EFL video content creator based in Seville, Spain. Originally from Cambridge in England, he works as a freelance teacher trainer for both Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment in Spain. He also works for the CUP YouTube channel ‘Learn English with Cambridge’, scripting, editing, and starring in videos for English language learners. As a webinar and seminar presenter, Greg specialises in upper primary, secondary, and HE education, and the Cambridge exams. A teacher first and foremost, he understands the opportunities and limitations of a real-life, working classroom and how some teachers can find overwhelmingly theoretical talks difficult to contextualise. Consequently, he prides himself on giving practical talks, full of innovative tips, resources, and activities that can be implemented in class straight away. Coupled with a vibrant and lively presenting style, he always aims to connect with teachers on both a personal and professional level. He also has a strong interest in using new technologies and social media in class.

    Программа конференции

    Регистрация участников
    14:30 — 15:00 мск
    Открытие конференции
    15:00 — 15:10 мск
    Teaching 21st century skills
    15:10 — 15:30 мск
    Евгений Усачев (ММА)
    Using mobile phones in the ELT classroom
    15.30-16.30 мск
    Грег Вагстаф (Greg Wagstaff)
    Why are English for Science and Business similar?
    16.30 – 17.15 мск
    Людмила Городецкая
    Подведение итогов и закрытие конференции
    17:15 — 17:30 мск
    Участие бесплатно

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